Explanation in English
DAP is fully integrated into the browser, providing the best possible performance from ANY Internet connection, broadband and narrowband (cable, DSL / ADSL, T1, dial-up etc.). DAP will allow you to benefit from a faster and more reliable download experience, optimize your download performance, and help you to recover interrupted downloads. DAP is available in two versions: a Free version (ads. supported) and a Premium version (with a richer set of features and no ads) .
حجم فایل : 3.۱۰0 مگابایت
برای Copy کردن کرک قبلPaste کردن ان اول Icon (ایکن) برنامه که در پاین در بغل ساعت می اید را Exit کنید چون اگه Exit نکنید Paste نمیشه .
منبع : http://www.speedbit.com